Friday, June 12, 2015


 We took a day bus tour to see the Giant's Causeway.  It was a big emerald green bus, with cartoon leprechauns on the side.  The driver explained that things were a lot quieter in Ulster than in the past, but there were still people there who wouldn't be happy with the bus.  These people are some of the descendants of Protestants that William (of Orange) brought in from Scotland and England. 
 The Dark Hedges are significant to Game of Thrones fans... but for Noralynn and I they were at least a very scenic canopy of beech trees.

Salmon fishermen would bring their catch ashore at Carrick-a-Rede Island, and walk to the mainland on this little rope bridge. 

The Giant's Causeway is a series of outcroppings of columnar basalt.  There's a dramatic folk-story (involving several giants), but the scientific explanation involves rapid cooling, then fracturing, of volcanic basalt. 

Dunluce Castle was abandoned long ago.  It's a bit like Malibu:  gorgeous view, but bits of it keep dropping into the ocean.

We returned to Belfast for a change to grab a bite to eat before our return to Dublin.  On the City Hall grounds was a mock DeLorean (they were built in Northern Ireland).

Queen Victoria

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