Thursday, June 4, 2015


We took a cab to Edinburgh Haymarket station, then changed at Sterling for


It's not warm enough to be too optimistic, but we've had more sun than rain.

Here's a view up the River Ness from the (Victorian Era) Inverness Castle.  In front of the castle is a statue of Flora McDonald, who having done all she could for Bonnie Prince Charlie, is now backing Scotland in their Friday match with Qatar.

A former MP from Scotland, Charles Kennedy, died suddenly and recently:  flags were lowered in remembrance. 


 We had dinner in a pub that our daughter Laura Jo had recommended.  We were joined at our table by a couple of friends who needed seats (it was busy!) .  They had the haggis, I had the lamb stew with oatcakes. (Noralynn had fish and chips), and we all had a lovely time getting to know each other.

lamb stew with oatcakes

Next day we took a regional bus to the Culloden Battlefield Site, but our destination was a half hour walk from there:
Clava Cairns

 Three to four thousand years ago, these were a Pictish cemetary.  The Victorians thought Druids were responsible, and planted groves of trees to make the place look romantic.  We had a pretty walk back, then lunch in a pub.  On the way back we had a quick look at Culloden Battlefield, and a Highland Cow. 

:"The position of the Duke of Cumberland during the battle of Culloden"

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