Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Chloé  lives in a suburb of Laval.  We started the day with a shopping trip into the old city.  In the open air market and the surrounding shops were a variety of the foods for which France is famous.  Vendors were eager to share samples of their tasty wares.




We returned for the noonday meal and another gastronomic adventure:  snails.  I had more than one (the butter, garlic, and herbs helped a lot). 

cream puffs and cider

We visited Chloé 's grandparents for an afternoon snack.  I understand why the cream puffs are a favorite of Chloé!  They also had a thriving, healthy garden.

with grandma Jeannine
Grandpa George, Chloé and mother Estelle

We toured the old castle of Laval, which has been built and re-built since the 11th century.  There were great views of the city from the top of the highest tower.   We then walked back through the old town and visited Laval's cathedral. 
We finished the day with a stroll through the peaceful city park overlooking the Mayenne river. Some people were playing with children, others reading a book, or taking a nap.  Some of us stopped to look at goats.   Finally, we quenched our thirst with drinks, seated under a big umbrella.  Noralynn and I realized how nice it was to just take our time and enjoy the moment, rather than rushing to the next big event. 

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